Research Chemist USDA ARS MWA NCAUR Peoria, Illinois, United States
Abstract: The growth of scientific societies and their associated scientific journal publications serves as an historical record have served as a medium to convey discoveries, advance research, and provide a forum to debate scientific ideas. The American Oil Chemists’ Society (AOCS) has been in existence for 114 years and has a rich history. From the beginnings, the Journal of The American Oil Chemists’ Society (JAOCS) and it sister journals have been a foundational feature of the Society as a means to the disseminate the latest research on fats and oils to its members. To mark the 100th anniversary of the JAOCS a walk through the journal’s pages will examine its beginnings, events that have shaped the journals over the years, it’s sister journals and peek at what the future may hold for JAOCS and publishing in general.