Featured Session
Phil Kerr, PhD
Chief Technology Officer
Prairie AquaTech, LLC
Dardenne Prairie, Missouri, United States
Kerry Campbell, PhD
Process R&D Engineer
Roquette Americas, Inc., United States
Abstract: Rapid growth of innovation is occurring across the global landscape for sustainable proteins and related materials needed for their successful commercialization. As a result, many entrepreneurs with prospective technologies are finding challenges in securing access to the assets and infrastructure needed for successful, early stage commercialization. This session will bring together global experts with expertise in both identifying these challenges early on, as well as, creatively solving these constraints. In doing so, they may be able to provide useful solutions to entrepreneurial organizations seeking to be positive examples of change in this exciting, but challenging technology environment. In addition, the roster of speakers will contain those with long held expertise in engagement and interaction with established segments of industry and will be able to provide guidance to entrepreneurial organizations seeking to establish successful collaborations in hopes of accelerating their commercial aspirations.
Author: Jeremy Javers, PhD – Houdek
Author: Kerry Campbell, PhD – Roquette Americas, Inc.
Author: Keith Flanegan, PE – IdeaCHEM
Author: Philippe Prochasson, PhD – Motif FoodWorks