PhD candidate University of Liege Gembloux, Belgium
Abstract: The introduction of hyphenated techniques, such as LC-GC and comprehensive GC×GC dates back to the 80s and the 90s, respectively. The LC–GC systems were intensively studied in the 1980s and 1990s by Grob and his group, but the system was almost abandoned later. On the other side, GC×GC encountered exponential growth since its introduction by Phillips in 1991, becoming today a mature and robust technique ready for routine applications.
LC-GC discovered a new life when the issue of mineral oil contamination (MOSH and MOAH) exploded to the attention of public opinion around 2008-2009, in fact, such a hyphenated system is the most suitable solution for the routine analysis of mineral oil in food. Nevertheless, the complexity of such a class of contaminants and of the interferences co-extracted from food, along with the limitation linked to the use of a mass spectrometer, requires the use of even more powerful chromatographic techniques.
In this context, the marriage of the two two-dimensional techniques, namely LC-GC and GC×GC, provides a unique platform with exponential benefits. The LC-GC×GC system coupled simultaneously to ToFMs and FID can provide an enhanced characterization of complex samples reaching efficient sample clean-up and/or a group-type separation of the analytes in the LC dimension and enhanced separation in the GC×GC dimension.
The fully integrated platform has been validated for use in a routine environment, and it can improve not only the full characterization of complex samples but also simplify sample pre-treatment and provide more robust and validated routine analysis in the challenging topic of mineral oil analysis in food.